In the dark corner of the attic
Stood a cobweb covered harp
Broken now and so forgotten
There standing silent in the dark.Many tried to repair the broken
Yet no one could repair or mend
No one there allowed to hear
Music that once came from within.

Came one day a frail beggar man
Seeking shelter from out the cold
Hungry and looking so very fragile
Tears in his eyes, this man of old.
The kind man gave him permission
That he could sleep upon the floor
Of the darkened attic where stood
Broken harp that played no more.
Morn, all were awakened with music
As the sound only angels could bring
And all in the household came running
To see t'was the beggar made it sing.
Mended now it stood in such beauty
Each web was carefully cleared away
Very softly the beggar started singing
And a glow surrounded as he played.

Singing so softly as he told the story
Years ago this harp he'd made new
And since he was its first beginning,
Mending it wasn't hard to do.
If your heart is dark and broken
The corners of empty can be filled
To once again sing sweet songs
Once hearts allow him to rebuild.

God is the creator of all things
As he created you and I from new
And since he was our first beginning
Mending our heart isn't hard to do.