"If Only In My Dreams"

Being home for Christmas, makes my heart so happy and warm,
Seeing Linda and Leland, waking Mom and Dad on Christmas morn.
Smells from moms turkey, friends dropping by, giving us a hug,
Christmas' at home were filled with so much love.
So many memories, so much happiness, our childhood deemed,
If I could go back just one more time, "If Only In My Dreams".

Going to find that just SO perfect tree in Mrs Simms woods,
Singing carols as we brought it back, just as fast as we could.
So many things we had made in our school, even down to the star,
Placing each decoration so carefully, Wheres Linda? Oh there you are.
Hold her up Leland, let Linda place the star on top of our tree,
Who wants to do the tinsel Mom asks, all she hears is Me Me Me!
My Beautiful Sister
Helping Daddy cut holly, from the trees that grew in our lane,
Watching as he makes wreaths, and yulelogs, even a candy cane.
Just smell that delicious aroma from Moms cookies and fudge,
Lets go get some batter, as I give Leland and Linda a nudge.
Waiting for Mom to bring them from the oven, when they are done,
Oh those sad little begging eyes, saying Mommie, can we have one?

Practicing each night at Olivet Church for the soon Christmas play,
Wanting to have every line just perfect for the part we would say.
I know we must of give Mrs Connery such a scare each Christmas year,
Will we ever learn our place and part says Mrs Hyman, oh my, oh dear!
Every Aunt and Uncle will be there watching, with those smiling beams,
I can still hear them saying 'Oh How Cute', "If Only In My Dreams".

~Linda~ 3yrs old
On Our Front Porch
OH LOOK! Here comes Uncle Woodie, in his suit, through the snow,
Dressed up like Santa for Linda, just look at her eyes glow.
That means Christmas is near, oh will we ever get to sleep,
Dreaming of Santa, bringing presents, and toys and treats.
If I could be granted just one wish I could redeem,
I'd be home for Christmas, "If Only In My Dreams".
See You at Moms, Leland and Linda
"If Only In My Dreams"
©John/Heavens Gates

Dear Santa: Would you deliver this to Heaven, to my Mom and Dad,
Tell them I love them and I'll meet them at Heavens Gates...
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