Lora CoxYou see me with gossamer wings
Dressed in robes of purest white,
Glistening like gold
With a heavenly light.
You see me as a child
With innocence sweet,
Laughing, dancing, singing
Around the throne; at Jesus feet.

You see me in a friend
Who is tried and true
And you know I was sent
Down to earth for you.
I am none of these,
And yet I am all.
I am spirit, I am essence,
Sent to answer your call.

I feel the beat of your heart,
I hear the pleas of your soul,
And softly whisper wisdom
So you may reach your goal.
You hear my whisper
So soft and sweet in your ear
And you know all is well,
There s nothing to fear.

For I m always by your side.
I look upon all your ways,
I am here for guidance
When your lonely heart strays.
I guide your footsteps
That you may not stumble
And you may know me only,
When your heart is humble.

I m your guardian angel
Sent from our Father above
To guide your heart and soul
To His eternal love.
So when you feel my presence,
Know the work that I do
Is simply because, of the love
Our Father has for you.
Lora Cox

But Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to Me,
and do not forbid them;
for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14