Childhood memories how they linger And lay so sweet in this memory of mine As I take them out now and then I let them take me back to that time
We didn't get toys, just at Christmas time If it was that dad had made a good crop And if it was a lean year and money was tight There would be no toys from the shop 
Most folks were the same as us So I didn't feel underprivileged, or poor And I don't remember ever being ashamed Cause we didn't have things from the store We loved when the summers came And we were out of school for awhile Even though we had to work the fields Come evening time we were all smiles 
After our baths in a number 3 tub We'd go out to play and chase lighten bugs too We loved to play hide and go seek Those simple things were such fun to do We sneaked out to the barn many evenings Just about time for the sun to go down And we'd climb up into the loft and jump Never giving a thought to that old hard ground 
And while we were out there We'd chase and catch a young calf And dare each other to jump on him When we'd fall off, oh how we'd laugh When cousins and family would come to visit We'd have enough kids to make a ball team I remember once I slung the bat so hard I hit my cousin, and oh how he did scream 
Yes times were hard back then As far as having things money could buy But the sweet memories I have of then Is something I'll have till I die Melva Feb. 24 2009 
Photo: This beautiful old barn in Hew Hope, Virginia here in the Shenandoah Valley, one of numerous beautiful old barns throught the valley, has had serious damage this winter from the high winds and storms. I doubt it can be saved and will most likely be torn down. 